Introduce Yourself : Hello by Michael Markham

Michael Markham


My name is Michael Markham. I am an actor and filmmaker operating out of New York. Looking for more potential work.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Welcome to Stage 32, Michael! Be sure to check out both the Acting and Filmmaking/Directing sections in the Lounge. And perhaps peruse the JOBS section, found in the upper menu bar. Some work opportunities may await you there! Best wishes!

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Michael - might I add that the New York Stage 32 community is really active. We just had a Stage 32 panel during Tribeca where we had over 300 Stage 32 members show up: And, Joey Tuccio (president of the Stage 32 Happy Writers) just did a meetup last month that had 75 people show up: So, keep networking on here, and keep your eye on the meetup section to see what's coming up in your area :)

Susanne Colle


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