Screenwriting : Page quarter finalist... by Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Page quarter finalist...

OMG.... Hey Stage 32 friends and colleagues... I made the PAGE QUARTER-FINALIST for my crime/thriller STONE DRIVE... I'm totally ecstatic and thrilled. Doing the Happy Dance with happy tears. Finally, I feel validated. Yaaay. xoxo

Tao R.M.

Congrats, Sylvia :)

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Thank you Tao. I appreciate the support.

Shawn Speake

YES! I'm doin' the happy dance, too!

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

YAAAY Shawn. Congrats. So happy for you. Was it the one I read?

Tao R.M.

No problem. Hard work does pay off and never give up your passion and dream.

Beth Fox Heisinger

WhaHOO! Way to go Sylvia! I'll join your happy dance!

Emma J Steele

YAYYYY! Fantastic news, Sylvia! Congratulations and here's to the next round!

S.A. Hussain


Leona McDermott

Nice one, Sylvia.

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Had to move locations... at work now, brought my laptop with me.... THANK YOU Beth, Emma, S.A. Hussain, and Leona for your support. I am still ecstatic. XOXO

CJ Walley

So happy for you, Sylvia!

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Thank you CJ...

John E Stith

Congratulations, Sylvia!

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Hi John. Thank you. Great to hear from you. How's it going?

Maria Torrez- Ellsperman

Congrats Sylvia! Great job. Hard work and creativity pays off! Pens Up!

David Levy

Awesome sauce, Sylvia! Congrats in the first step of the contest.

Jean-Pierre Chapoteau

We're all happy for you Sylvia. Great job.

John E Stith

Thanks, Sylvia. I've got a script in the quarter finals also. Given the low odds of a spec script sale, I've also turned it into a novella that I've started marketing.

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Thank you Maria, David and Jean-Pierre. Congratulations John... Is it the script you workshopped with Jairo?

Travis Seppala

Congrats. I made the QF with my thriller THE WRONG HOUSE

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Oh Travis that's fantastic. I love your Title... I'm already intrigued. My fingers are crossed for you as well. It's amazing how many people I know now that made it. I'm very happy for everyone... we here at Stage 32 could all become writers for hire.

Travis Seppala

I already do work as a writer-for-hire. Sadly, all for low budget productions (I am WELL below the $25k elligability line, though). I like to say I'm a "semi-professional screenwriter"... I make money from my screenwriting, just not nearly enough to quit having a day job.

Maria A Zani

well done

Erica Benedikty


Mark William Chambers


Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Thank you Maria, Erica and Mark. I so appreciate your support. We'll see what happens for the next round. Page announced today that they had 6,200 entries and the QF are the top 10% ... Holy Smokes.

John E Stith

Right, Sylvia. It is the script workshopped with Jairo.

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

That's wonderful John. I'm so proud of you. I absolutely LOVED that story... and happy that you entered it into this competition. Congratulations again. It's been a great pleasure to know you and your talent...being in the trenches together for a short while. xoxo

John E Stith

Thanks so much, Sylvia! I haven't seen the script that got you into the quarter finals, but best of luck to you with it!

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Thank you John.

Maria A Zani

well done to you both

Richard Willett

Congratulations, Sylvia! I entered four (count 'em) four scripts in that dang thing and none of them made the cut. Which means, of course, that I congratulate you but I also hate you. No, I don't. Just kidding. CONGRATULATIONS!

Travis Seppala

Richard, I put 4 in this year. Had 1 make it though. So... go me! :P

Phil Parker

Well done, Sylvia!! That's awesome!!

Perry Goldman

Very cool. As far as I'm concerned, that belongs on your resume right now, especially knowing that you beat over 5000 competitors to get there.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Sylvia my friend, well done and I'm happy for you.

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Richard... I know EXACTLY what you mean... but don't give up sweetie... we all know how subjective the judging is. Get some Coverage done here on Stage 32... notes from the horse's mouth... Just hook up with Joey Tuccio.... he'll know exactly who loves whatever genre you write in... invest in yourself... that's what I've tried to do... some investments are better than others... so lean on Joey... he really does know best. xo

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Thank you Phillip... I appreciate your kind words. So far so good... so far.

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Wow Perry... that's a trip in itself. Thanks for your support.... but I don't think I can write on my resume... I beat out over 5000. So did quite a few others. LOL

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Thank you Phil. Thank you Ace. XOXO Congratulations Travis. That's great.

Dawson Howard

Extremely well done Sylvia. Congrats.

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Thanks Dawson... thank you... we'll see what happens down the road. XOXO

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