Introduce Yourself : Come chat with me. by Denise Zeiler

Denise Zeiler

Come chat with me.

Hi! I live in the US and I am a screenwriter, playwright and jack of all trades. I enjoy science fiction, but have an interest in history as well and come from a background in musical theater... so, there's that. I have a completed script, In the Blood and am currently working on Constant Resolutions (a war story), Robotech (based on the animated series), and JPJ (Father of the Navy) and a web series as of yet untitled.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey Denise, this is Beth from the Stage 32 team. I just wanted to let you know I moved your post from Screenwriting to Introduce Yourself, as it fits much better there. Let me know if you have any questions, and all the best to you!

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