Introduce Yourself : Non-Stop by Nathan Scott


Hello all, I'm a late blooming actor looking to get to the top I live in Las Vegas by the way off Oakland, CA. I have been doing everything this year to get there when time allows me.

Mitch Darnell

Good luck, Nathan! Know your REASON for wanting to be an Actor, and that will guide you to success. Is it fame? Fortune? Power? Love of theatre? Love to entertain? How you answer that question will help you find the right avenues...

Nathan Scott

Thanks, Mitch I love all the questions but fame will be the last one.

Mitch Darnell

Good insight on yourself, Nathan! So that means you can seek opportunities which offer riches that aren't focused mostly on "fame".. You can accept roles that challenge you, enrich your experience and skills, but don't offer a fast track to fame! Some Actors should NOT be seeking those same roles because they're focused more on "becoming famous"!

Nathan Scott

I totally agree.

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