Introduce Yourself : I'd love to work in USA by Marcello Mazzilli

Marcello Mazzilli

I'd love to work in USA

Hi, my name is Marcello, I am half British and half Italian. I am a producer and director but working often on smaller budget projects makes me often a videomaker. I write, plan, light, shoot, edit, grade. I currently live in Rome, ITALY. I will be in USA next week for business (NY and Washington D.C. this time) and I would like to meet some of you. I would really like to find a way to stay permanently. Please check my showreel (text explains shot by shot what was my job in each project). You can see other videos here:

Max Harris

Marcello, living in the US is overrated unless you come from a much worse place. However, working in the US is more satisfying, especially than Italy, as you are rewarded for performance, not who your relatives are.

Marcello Mazzilli

That's the point Max... At this stage of my life work is the main thing.. I am 42 and I am really fed up of how it works here in Italy... Italy is nice to live in as a tourist... is not job friendly at all

Max Harris

Marcello, my son Alex is 33 and has lived in Milan for 11 years trying to be a composer but living teaching English. He is moving to LA in October to try it there. The field is crowded everywhere.

Marcello Mazzilli

I believe so. I am a director.. I've done TV ads, live events, etc... But I'll be quite happy to wark as an editor.. maybe doing weddings or so.. something just normal. In US a person can do a normal live and live fine... in Italy, as you know.. is very difficult for people in communications (that have no "friends"). And is not just about friends. Your son is a composer. I prefer to use US music libraries for my videos because every time I try to use a real-person composer so many problems arise here in Italy. He either has to charge me a lot (compared to what clients are prepared to pay.. not a lot at all) to compensate for taxtes and compulsory pension, or he charges little and relyes on SIAE (copyright). This second possibility creates many problems to my clients then because they can't control what they buy from me.. They'll never be sure they can use the video.. when and where.. and who they have to pay. Is just a mess. Get your son quickly to US.. It will not be easy.. but he'll be happy... and I'm sure he'll find a way of doing his music but.. even if he does not.. he'll be happy with whatever job he can do as a normal life is possible in US

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