Introduce Yourself : Music for films and tv by Federico Ferrandina

Federico Ferrandina

Music for films and tv

Hi everyone, I produce music for films and Tv series, my credits include multi-Oscar winner Dallas Buyers Club and HBO series. Check out my recent works

federico ferrandina
federico ferrandina
Italian music artist: composer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and record producer. He's been able to team up with artists of all kinds: world music stars Yasmin Levy and Omar Faruk Tekbilek, alter…
Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi Federico, Wow, that's really cool, man. I also see your music made it to some polish TV shows too... :) Way to go.

Federico Ferrandina

Thanks Tomasz, yes, my music had a big role in very popular Polish Tv shows, most of that were pop songs, I love Poland and Polish art, music, films, books. Your family name has undoubtely Polish origin, isn't it?

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Sure thing - born and raised in Poland. I recognize the TV titles too, my sister watches both of these shows. I saw that you've added some audio to your profile - I'm gonna go and have a listen, hopefully it lulls me to sleep. Cheers.

Federico Ferrandina

thanks for listening Tomasz, any feedback is welcome

Darryl Shawn Dixon

Would you be interested in worldwide distribution for your songs through my upstart company? 609.240.3653

Federico Ferrandina

actually I'm more interested in publishing and placement, Darryl, but tell me how that could work. By the way check my work out, the first important thing for me is sharing a vision, if you don't like my work how could you make something good out of that? :)

Tomasz Mieczkowski

This is really amazing Federico. I took a look at your website, which also looks fantastic, and listened to some of your work. You've got yourself a new fan.

Federico Ferrandina

you're very kind Tomasz, that means a lot to me, thank you so much. Here' sone of the song in Przepis Na Zycie that brought me a loto of luck

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Yes, I've listened to the song few times already. Looks good with the picture too. It's all so well put together. Who's the song writer?

Federico Ferrandina

It's me, I wrote music and lyrics, and I wrote also arrangement, orchestration and played every instrument, the singer is Nicoletta Nardi

Tomasz Mieczkowski

What?! Oh wow that's truly beyond amazing. At first I wasn't sure if the instruments were live or samples, but I shared your work with my girlfriend and she told me these were definitely live, she actually said "oh wow, he has a live band" - so now I know that you ARE the whole band. Again, I'm definitely appreciative of what you do. If there's anything I can do to help you out in any way, do not hesitate to ask.

Federico Ferrandina

The strings and the drums arr partially programmed... ;)

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Oh no, in that case I take everything back... :) No, not at all - it's really amazing, do you sell your CDs or is everything on iTunes?

Federico Ferrandina

No I don't, because everything I've published so far is related to soundtracks, you can find hundreds of them on iTunes, but honestly most of them is not that interesting out of the visual context, the best playlists I would suggest are for the orchestral pieces and for the songs. Thank you so much for your attention Tomasz, I don't take it for granted

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