I've noticed in the jobs area in particular to the mention of screenwriters, the people post positions for screenwriters ONLY in the area they live. With today's tech savy world, I'd have thought that being able to communicate via skype, email and such.. that you wouldn't want to narrow the margins of your talent search especially for writing to just the area that the job posting person lives at. Could it not be easy to post a job if you are living and LA and ask for screenwriters from anywhere rather than just LA? I think teleconferences/skype/email should open a greater field of opportunity that way.
I couldn't agree more. I've worked on plenty of projects that way - it's been great.
I would like the opportunity but it just seems, to me at least, that for writers this would be the best opportunity especially if you do not live in the mix of the film/entertainment areas.
Part of that is just simply how the JOBS section is currently setup. Job posters are asked/required to give a location. The JOBS section was created to accommodate a wide range and variety of industry jobs; some positions like crew or acting is location specific. The key is for job posters to utilize the comment section within their job post to clarify that a screenwriting project is open to anyone anywhere via email/Skype or whatever. Also, please feel free to respond to any post regarding a screenwriting job/position and simply ask the job poster if location is relevant to the job. :)
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thanks for the clarification, Beth. :)
Just to add... When searching the JOBS section as a screenwriter, just do a general search for "screenwriting" without specifying location. Then, all screenwriting job posts will be listed. Peruse through them and respond to those which interest you. Reach out. Inquire. Ask the job poster if this particular job/script submission is open to anyone from anywhere. Most probably are. Do not assume the location listed means ONLY for those in that location -- certainly not for writing jobs. Again, the JOBS section was created/setup to accommodate the large variety of industry jobs; most are location specific. :)
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Screenwriting jobs can be and are done from anywhere. Occasionally, you will get someone who wants local so you can meet and talk over coffee to develop an idea, but usually they aren't serious paying gigs anyway. Some web series, need you in the room, which is understandable, but again not something worth packing up for.