Actor's Greetings! Hello wonderful people out there. I am Estrella Riddick, a huge dreamer that will make those dreams reality. The best twelve years of my life were spent in theater, but I want to try something new. The wonders of being a movie performer holds a strong place in my heart. I see myself as a person who can take on a challenge and find ways to overcome it and achieve my dreams. The person I am today is all thanks to my mentor, the most wonderful woman in the world: Shelly Bordas, who had guided me to be the best I can be. With acting, I have a few more talents I have learned from either being crazy or just trying new things. From childhood, my family lived the lives of the Aztec culture. We had danced for many years. I'm a little rusty, but when I hear the drums, I can get back into the swing of it. From being a monster in a haunted house, I found that improvement really comes naturally to me. I grew to be a tennis player as number 1 doubles and even won 3 games! I hope to get a reply from you. Till then I hope your day will be a wondrous one filled with happiness.
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Welcome to the community Estrella! You're in the perfect place to learn more about acting and how the business works, make connections and find work so you can build your reel and credits. I highly recommend checking out the Education section of Stage 32, as there are tons of really great classes on how to become a professional actor for film & TV. When you're ready to audition for new roles, take a look through the JOBS board here to find projects in your area that are casting I also recommend watching the free On Stage with RB broadcasts. Our CEO RB goes over how to best use Stage 32 and how to success in the industry. All the best to you and I look forward to seeing you around the site!
Thank you very much~!