Hi everyone! I hope everyone gets to read this and give me your opinion because I really need to talk this out. I just got cast in my second production. This one is a short film about love and hope and that was basically all i knew about it due to privacy issues. I got cast a week ago but just last night I was told about the characters and the script. They told me they thought I was better off as the lead than the secondary character which i got cast in the first place. But it turns out both characters are lesbian but the lead isn't really in the beginning. It doesn't have any kissing scenes or anything but I feel soooooo weird playing a character with a different sexual orientation than mine. I already made the decision to play the lead because she's not lesbian at first and I accepted the role because getting out of my confront zone is what acting is all about but I still need a little encouragement from actors, directors or producers that know the industry and/or relate to me. Have you even had an uncomfortable role to play? Did you do the part? How did it go?
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Hey! Two years ago I auditioned for a student made adaption of an off-broadway play, and I was cast as one of the two leads. The character I played is a gay man, and it was a bit strange for me too. But really, for me, one of the things that made it easier to process was the idea that there is essentially no difference between playing him and playing any of the heterosexual characters I've played with romantic interests. It comes down to the truth that as an actor we are developing, projecting and becoming people that are not us. And as such, I have never been romantically/sexually attracted to any of my female opposites the same way I was not attracted to my male opposite. I am simply portraying someone who is. Like everything else in the craft, it's about letting go of who you are and embracing the transformative experience of being someone else. You can do this!!! And I hope you do and it is fun! Go kickass!
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Thank you sooo much for that!! I totally needed that. The director told me they were planning to do a web series or film after the short film is done to explain the story better so that means I'll have an extension! I will totally kick-ass on set!! Thank you again!
Sounds like a really sweet opportunity! Don't mention! And break a leg! :)
Years ago, I was casted in Angels in America playing an ex drag-queen, I had a really hard time capturing the essence of the role. I went to gay clubs,talked to a few drag performers and in the end had a blast playing her. It's acting ,"it's BEHAVING TRUTHFULLY in a IMAGINARY WORLD" to quote Sanford Meisner, the great acting teacher. Go for it, it's acting. Good luck.