Hi, My name is Tiffany Joy I have decided to reach for my dreams and get back into acting. I use to act when I was a kid and even have a bachelor's degree in acting and directing. However, after college I some how stopped pursuing my dreams of being a professional actor and writer. Instead I settled for a close to 'normal' life. I have had enough of dead end jobs or day jobs. It is time for me to be me, and that includes acting. If you want more about me and can't find it in my profile, please, take a look at ForTheJoyOfTiff.com . It is my blog where I share my writing and my journey. Thank You for reading. Tiffany Joy
Never give up and do what is important first.
1 person likes this
I saw your blog page it is nice. I also am writing and taking acting in college. just never give up your dreams.
Thank you. I am glad you like it.