Hey hey, Ladies and gentlemen I'm wondering if anyone is looking for anyone to be on set or even to try and get an unknown actor to take part in a film they are making? I see a lot of people doing horror films and I need to admit that in not one for that as I have a daughter who I would love to show it to. I'm asking a lot and I know but I guess I'm just trying to get something that can be a good experience and a good starting point other than having a horror under my belt. I also write short films but have NO idea where to start with it...If anyone wants to offer advice or get involved please send me a message. Best wishes Iain Rodgers
Iain - have you tried networking with other Stage 32ers in Glasgow? https://www.stage32.com/people?coordinates=&name=&location=Glasgow%2C+Un... Or, have you reached out to local film festivals to volunteer to make contacts?
Wow! Wake the dead why don't you?