My name is Joe Daniel I'm a ameatur film maker which means I'm a broke. I work as a security receptionist to pay the bills at a place called Citi in Tucson AZ (basically I sit in the main lobby and say hi and by to the employees) . In my spare time I shoot video. I went to the Art Institute for three years and didn't graduate because my loans ran out. (honestly I learned more at Youtube University than I did at the Art Institute). I'm currently editing my first feature film I hope to enter in the film festivals. In all the festivals. The ones in Arizona and end up at Sundance Hopefully Cannes. I also shoot Music videos, Weddings, Commercials and Documentaries.
Keep going! The creator of CSI drove a shuttle bus in Vegas before making it!
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Thank you I will. I need to finish editing Cain and
Hi, Joe!
I too am an Ai alumnus. And yes, YouTube U would have been a better investment, except that I did meet some amazing people with whom I am now partnered. Check out my profile and our site(s) and reach out if you need any feedback.
My first bit of advice (unsolicited) is to ask if you've ever read or heard of John Truby (http://www. If you haven't, buy his book. He's the best screenwriting guru. All the others are too anecdotal to be able to clearly understand what they claim is "the way to write" a screenplay. Truby has done the best job of dismantling all of the story beats and structural steps in writing.
Even if you don't consider yourself a writer, all of the best film directors have also done at least some writing, or were both. It behooves any filmmaker to understand, not writing, but story. Check him out.
As for filmmaking, just keep practicing and ask yourself this, "What makes something look amateurish and what makes something look professional." One last bit, in answer to that question I just posed: Sound. Bad sound makes anything "look" amateurish, good sound at least can be heard. I've got more, but that's it for now.