This is an excerpt from Susannah Grant’s keynote speech at the 2000 Academy Nicholl Fellowship in Screenwriting awards. Oh yeah, and she wrote a little film called "Erin Brockovich". Susannah equates writing to different stages of high school.
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Love it.
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Great article. I love that line (okay, I love a lot more than just this one), 'Don’t listen to people who tell you you shouldn’t write something. Or if you do write something, it will never get made.' Yep, I know how that goes!
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Great piece! Always best to keep the momentum moving no matter what others think or say.
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Although the speech is 15 years old, the last lines about films with female leads are only just being addressed and they are still under represented.
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Great article, Phillip! Thanks for sharing it. :) ...Yeah, I agree, Kristopher, the last lines were hard to read knowing this speech is 15 years old and not much has changed. ...Well, somewhat. Hopefully more in years to come. ;)
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Great read.
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Glad folks that read this piece enjoyed it. Susannah really sunk her teeth into diverse projects.
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Wow! What an article, thanks a lot for sharing it, Phillip!
That was a terrific read. I love ERIN BROCKOVICH - the woman and the movie - and Susannah taking us through the start of her career as if it's high school was a keystroke of genius. The highs the lows - the full monty. A cautionary tale with occasional bursts of sunlight. It's never easy. She's a success - so it says a whole lot about how the business works - and doesn't. Thanks for posting this.
Thanks for posting this, Philip. Good article, quite informative of the process of rewriting, working with the studio, some nice insights into the personalities involved, etc.
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Eric: you are most welcome. When I run across one, I post it.
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Very good article, Thanks