Please take the time to look at this Writer's Blog post, which is an interview with me discussing my latest novel 'Life is Just...' and which only be live until Monday 10th: Thank you, Nigel
Interesting thread. I'm going to try to get hold of Syd's First Trip. I've seen most 50s/60s/70s Cult films, but still a long way to go. I've found out that DVD libraries in Scandinavia stock more original UK cults, than libraries in London.
My fourth novel is called ‘The Keeper of the Faith’. It’s published by Eventispress and it’s now available on Amazon throughout the world. This is how the book is described on the back cover:
A voyage of self-discovery, violent bloody combat, romance, betrayal and redemption
Vietnam 1968. A US Marine platoon, led by Tristram, 8th Earl of Oundle, is choppered into the wrong jungle location and left outside radio range, face to face with The Vietcong. The ensuing relentless frenzy of death and destruction carries Tristram to India, into a Benedictine monastery and finally to remotest Scotland in his search for truth, salvation and love.
‘I thoroughly enjoyed this excellent and illuminating Russian Doll of a book.’ Alistair Findlay. Actor.
‘Nigel is a good storyteller and he has something to say.’ Andrew Rawlinson. Author.
‘I was caught from the start. I laughed out loud, I wept and I was informed.’ Debbie Shorrock.
‘Philosophy galore, a girl who says the beauty of mathematics makes her cry, gory battle scenes— it's a heady mixture. Well researched and, certainly, original.’ Damien Enright. Author.
‘An absorbing novel - I learned a lot about a lot of things! Gritty scenes in Vietnam, an interesting stay in a monastery, mathematics, love and transcendence, this has it all! An intelligent and articulate author who informs as well as entertains. I found this book both exciting and inspiring in its tale of a man's search for meaning in a life of action.’ Jaijai.