Hello, my name is Matt and I am a writer looking to develop my own screenplay material and work with others to help them develop their projects too. I would love to find a position to help me grow my skills and successfully put together quality films with others! Career development opportunities welcome!!!
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Hey Matt! I'm just in awe of screenwriters because I can't for the life of me sit down to actually WRITE a screenplay. Would love to know about how you work and what kind of stuff you write :)
Hey Matt. Welcome aboard. The screenwriting community is over 70,000 strong here on Stage 32, so you're in some terrific company. Be sure to check out the Screenwriting section of the Lounge. It's one of our most active categories. Look forward to seeing you around town!
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Welcome , Matt. What ever "RB" said, I second and third. I'm are here for you, fellow writer.
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Hey Harshini, BB and Jorge, thanks for the welcome! H- For me, it definitely takes some work to sit down and write it out. I do a lot of outlining and write out scenes as detailed as I can on notecards, putting them in order. But, once that is done, its just a matter of writing out the pages. If you have the opportunity to take a week to just focus on it, then 10-20 pages a day writing your first (extremely "shitty"--technical term!) rough draft and you have a working script! From there, reworking dialogue, adding camera shots, adding elements that help fill out the story, smoothing out contradictions, etc. until it is as near perfect as you can do. Then, on to the next one :) I also think a little notebook to capture little loglines, teasers, etc. make sure a good idea never escapes! For the one I am 60+ pages in at the moment, an image and a scene popped into my head, and I asked what would happen to get the characters to that point, and what would be the result. I did some freewriting of some pages to get the general themes, big questions, context, etc., after which I established the characters (even answering character biography questions for each major one), important scenes, details, transitions, etc., and then added the title sheet and wrote the words, "FADE IN". Then, all that's left to do is start :) BB and Jorge- thanks for the support!
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Thanks Matt! This is super helpful :D I really appreciate it x