Introduce Yourself : Actor/Producer by Romy Nordlinger

Romy Nordlinger


I'm brand new to Stage 32 and thrilled introduce myself. I'm an actor and voice over artist in NYC. Currently have optioned an award winning screenwriters newest film and just beginning to seek producers. Please check out my profile and website and . I'm looking forward to meeting you! Warm wishes, Romy

Keith Jefferies

Hi Romy! Great websites. Hopefully finding producing partners will be but a small hurdle on the larger quest! All the best.

Romy Nordlinger

Thanks and best to you Keith!

John Garrett

Rock on, glad to see you here.

Romy Nordlinger

Thanks so much John!

Jerry Cornell

Great to meet you, Romy. Great website with an impressive bio. Law and order is one of my favorite show. You're on your way.

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