Introduce Yourself : Janet Fogg Actress by Janet Fogg

Janet Fogg Actress

Hello Stage 32 Members! My name is Janet Fogg and I am an actress/voice artist in the Minneapolis, MN area. I just wrapped "No Blood of Mine" a full feature film shot in Duluth, MN the month of July. For more information about me please check out my website: Warm regards, Janet

Emma J Steele

Great to hear from you, Janet! Congratulations on the feature!

Janet Fogg

Thanks. Emma!

Shawn Speake

Way to work, Janet!

Janet Fogg

Thanks Shawn!

Chuck Pressler

Welcome Janet!

Don Dobrez Jr

Welcome Janet

Marcos Hernandez Bolanos


Brian Walsh

Welcome Janet!

Annaluisa De Socchieri

Welome Janet :)

Diana Wilde

Nice to see you here, Janet! We didn't have any scenes together, but I was in NBOM as a day player ("District Attorney Bibrowe"). Welcome to Stage 32!

Jorge J Prieto

Welcome, Janet and congrats on all your success.

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