Hi, everybody. I was wondering if anyone with experience in Animation would be able to recommend any cheap animation software for beginner animators? Possibly something that is compatible on a Samsung tablet also? Comment if you guys have any suggestions, thank you.
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Hi Sonibel. If you wish to start in 3D animation, then I recommend DAZ 3D. It uses poser content which will give you a huge range of props, scenes and clothes to choose from. As soon as you are up to speed (perhaps in your 2nd year) then go to Carrara which is compatible but more reliable for larger scenes. Esp. when using the Octane plug in for rendering. The other alternative is Blender which is great, but there you've got to work harder to get content than going the DAZ/Carrara route.
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Don't limit yourself to 3D animation! (I know that sounds backwards since it is newer technically), but I feel strongly that people should begin with understanding the traditional 2D animation style, otherwise if they choose to tinker in 3D, they may rely too heavily on the automation of the software and potentially miss out learning the basic principals and techniques of the masters. Here is a list of some of the current 2D animation programs out there, some of which may be free: http://2d-animation-software-review.toptenreviews.com/
I use AnimeStudio Pro. I have Windows. But it makes nice 2D animation but you can utilise 3D space and add depth and move the virtual camera around to create movement.
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Maya 3D and 3DsMax are the programs of choice in the industry, but beginners can 'cut their teeth' on open-source DAZ 3D - , or Blender - (blender.org). - Blender has some impressive abilities for a free platform, but it has a steep learning curve. - I recommend YouTubing Blender tutorials right from the start. - You will be making scenes and texturing them in no time. - When you are ready to invest, Maya 3D by autodesk is the most user friendly piece of software (in my opinion). There are many basics of animation that a beginner should familiarize themselves with: 12 principles of animation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2M5ybVOgyPA This set of animation principles was created by the 'nine-old-men' of Disney. - The original successful animation artists. - I am studying animation at The University of Texas at Dallas. Finally, - don't try to do everything at once. - Start with some modeling practice. Get some ability in that before you try to texture and color your models. Then you can move on to 'rigging', then animating. To start your modeling - Here is a terminology tut. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fco-O9nIvrs (DAZ 3D does the modeling,texturing,rigging for you. - It's a good way to get a project done without having to learn anything about the animation process or ANY skill-set. But the characters are also VERY recognizable. If you presented a DAZ 3D movie to a studio, they would tell you to take a hike. - I use some DAZ 3D props from time to time to save some time when I need a lamp or a table that is just for an indoor environment, or trees and bushes for an outdoor environment. But the items and characters that my story are centered on, I model them myself. - Or one of my team-members does it. - I urge you to learn to accomplish something in this field, rather than try to cheat... Anybody who can further your career will be able to tell the difference.) Good luck and I hope to see you in a studio soon. Patrick
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@Patrick - Some great advice in there. Nice one man. I agree that if you can put in the time to use something like Maya or 3DsMax (and can afford it) then you are on a level playing field to those people that want to make a living in animation. I also agree that the DAZ (Poser) characters are recognizable so that puts you in a certain pigeon hole, but I would argue that most of these DAZ animators never get past the "easy" options. Most of them never take the time out learn lighting and so the whole thing looks stereo typed. However the tools are changing. Firstly both DAZ and Blender offer built-in unbiased render engines. Check out the home page of DAZ and you'll see the gap is narrowing even if you use the stock figures. Secondly thanks to plug ins like Octane, totally professional results are achievable imho. For a screenwriter animating your movie script is an extra dimension to getting it noticed / getting it made in one form or another. I'm hoping this gamble pays off as this is the path I'm treading. :)
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Hi Sonibel, Check out veteran animator, Aaron Blaise's website: www.creatureartteacher.com He has very in-depth video tutorials that are in-expensive plus he often has them on sale. As for software, it depends if you are looking for modeling or the core basics of 2D animation, for 2D toon boom is probably cheaper but if you can afford it tv paint is better both have free trial versions.
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Hi Sonibel - I'm afraid that I'd probably recommend a Surface 3 tablet (with 4GB) over the Samsung - simply because it has more robust animation software options...!