Screenwriting : Format for Speakerphone? by Bradley Spence

Bradley Spence

Format for Speakerphone?

Hello, all! I have a question regarding how to format a conversation when one is using a speakerphone, or more precisely a smartphone via the hands-free speaker. I have an idea of a scene with one character calling my protagonist, who answers the call on speaker. Of course, someone else is present, and hears the entire gist of the conversation before the protag can turn the speaker off. Hilarity ensues... Does it seem like I have the proper understanding of these devices? ~I don't really think INTERCUT is correct, because I'm not really switching between the two places. ~I don't think it should be (V.O.) because that's usually used for narration. ~I don't think (O.S.) works because that's used when the speaker is at the location, just not viewable on the screen. ~I'm leaning towards doing something like CALLER (via speakerphone), but I have no idea if that's considered "correct". This is my first screenplay, and I've been reading about the craft constantly. But I haven't run across the use of a speakerphone in any texts, nor screenplays I've read. I definitely want to honor the craft by presenting my story like a professional, even though I'm not yet. Any guidance will be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks, Brad

Mo Yusuf

Hi Brad, I would use the character's name. Ex. if your character is Jane, I would write JANE (voice). Hope this helps. Good luck.

Jean-Pierre Chapoteau

simply put: Jane (on speakerphone) Dialogue. it gets easier by the third or fourth script when you realize "rules" can be bent.

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

For the latest rules... check out Dr. Format... Dave Trottier's Screenwriting Bible... everything changes constantly... the latest I read.. do not cap PROPS.

Bradley Spence

Thanks to you all for the assistance. I think I prefer the way they did it in Bourne...e.g. Mention it in the narrative description, then use VO. Thanks again! p.s. I tried to upload a photo of the script, showing how Tony Gilroy did it in Bourne Supremacy, but can't figure it out on this board. If you want to copy the link, you can see it on my photobucket page.

Jean-Pierre Chapoteau

That's not really a voice over though, but if it's clear I wouldn't think twice about it.

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