Hi Fellow Filmmakers! After running into the problem to discover a way to lock and find filmmaking locations easily. I've started an app to help do it and I'm looking for feedback from fellow producers/directors/creatives. This is a link: https://itunes.apple.com/TR/app/id940566125 I'm positing to start a discussion about ideas that you may have about finding locations and if there are other ways you go about it?
Great idea. I will take a look and provide some feedback. I might just ask you conversely to take a look at my new tool for filmmakers and storytellers for crowdsourcing and crowdfunding that we are bout to launch a public beta so it is somewhat raw still.
Hey Matthew, I have reviewed the app. I'll send you some notes in a private message. We have created a crowdsourcing platform at www.pixovi.social and a crowdfunding platform at www.pixovi.fund. Both platforms are launching in a public beta. They are specific to storytellers. Please check them out and let me know what you think.
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Finding locations the "old fashioned way" with a scout, asking people in commercial real estate, making a cold call, etc. Your app will only be as good and versatile as the data behind it. How will people know that they can list their properties?