Hello! My name is Cailin Coane, and I'm a screenwriter. I thought this website would be a great place to meet people who love film and television as much as I do, and whose experiences I could learn from as well. I'm very passionate about writing drama for television - I adore shows like Sherlock, Doctor Who, Firefly, Agent Carter, etc. - and hope to one day (it's a long way off, I know!) be show runner for my own television drama. As I'm just starting out in the industry, I'd also appreciate any advice from people more experienced in screenwriting, or just film/TV in general. Cheers! :)
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Welcome to the site! I'm a Whovian as well and find that this is a great place to connect with others.
That's good to hear! I don't really live in a city where there are a whole lot of film opportunities, and I can't afford yet to move to LA or New York, so right now, thank goodness for the Internet! Side note, are you excited for Season 9? I can't wait for Saturday!
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Welcome to Stage 32, Cailin.
I'm trying not to get my hopes up but so high. Moffat has developed a habit of not meeting expectations. But I am excited about Saturday because at the end of the day, he is the Doctor and I love new adventures.
Mary-Helen Norris: I agree 100%! Steven Harris Anzelowitz:: Thanks for the info! I appreciate it :)
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Catch me in chat sometime and we can talk Who and writing! It'll be fun!
Sounds great! Will do :)
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You right Cailin, this is the place to be, stage 32, so welcome.
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Welcome Cailin!