Introduce Yourself : Entertainment Lawyer in Portland by Dane Johnson

Dane Johnson

Entertainment Lawyer in Portland

Hello everyone! I'm an entertainment attorney practicing in Portland, Oregon, where the fabulous Portland Film Festival wrapped just about two weeks ago. I met some terrific independent filmmakers, actors, screenwriters, cinematographers, composers... I would love to connect with more here on Stage 32. Please feel free to drop me a message or post if you've got legal questions.

Emma J Steele

Great to hear from you, Dane! And a very generous offer... May take you up on that one day!

Shawn Speake

You're the man, Dane! Thank you. I'm with Emma on this one!

Dane Johnson

Emma and Shawn, thanks so much!

Hester Schell

Can I get a consult? hester dot schell at gmail dot com Thanks.

Richard "RB" Botto

Terrific and generous post, Dane!

George Pierson

Mr. Johnson, do you have any experience in collaboration contracts?

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