Best tip on financing I ever received...Set your dates! When you sit down with an investor, and they say "when are you filming?" and you say "when we get the money," you've just failed! I can't tell you how many filmmakers have this approach. So instead, SET YOUR DATES! That way you can answer by stating "April 2016!" That's when you get a check because your project now seems real! Just sayin... I'm passionate about helping filmmakers with Financing. If you're in NYC this Saturday, I'm hosting a workshop on that very topic: Come join Film Interchange! Reach out to me on Stage32 or at
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Awesome advice Jenn! I recommend all those who can, attend the workshop - Film Interchange's workshops are fantastic!
Thank you Shannon!!! They are a wealth of joy to create! My goal is to help filmmakers get their films MADE!
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why, (film) creative, persons always talk about MONEY, fully depanded of investores (anyhow saying NO) seems money can be found only in hollywood, we all need to be creative, not only on movie making, but also how to make it with small money we have...
Tip is good psychology, no one wants to pay for fresh air, but if something's already in the bag it becomes a possible solid investment.
This was the best advice I ever got from my first mentor! Its more than just in locking funding too. Everyone is working toward a date not a descriptive milestone. When you set dates you have no excuses. Things that might take forever to get worked out just miraculously get figured out in the knick of time.