Well, last Friday was a completely promising day - I got into a film editing course (in France), to get my studies for free, I had 8 days to find a job in film editing department. While Monday seemed promising with me looking up all the companies, today I felt completely depressive - people don't even reject you, they don't reply at all... I feel the time slowly passing away and it just makes me feel so sad. Worst part is that if I just don't get the job, I can't afford studying either. Thing is while I do know basics of film editing softwares, I don't really have anything to show and I am mildly disabled (my left hand - stiffed muscles, but I write with my right hand faster than people using both of them, should i mention it in my letter of motivation?) and I am not so sure at how i should approach this. Is there anyway I could land a job? (in France it would be less than minimum wage pay) Give me any tricks I could use... Like is there a trick for a newbie demo reel, getting accepted without one etc.? Thank you so much. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Hi, well from my own experience (Im still trying to find work) I cant say there's any tricks to landing a job. You may want to consider just taking any job.