Hi folks! I've been a member of Stage 32 for quite some time but just haven't had the time to really get myself into how it works. So what's everyones best experience from Stage 32? It seems to be a great way to connect with people across the borders! I live in Sweden but I'm aiming for the international market :) I work as an actress and have produced a proof-of-concept short film together with a friend and colleague which is now under development. Hopefully it's soon a feature film in a theatre near you;)
My best experience is with Happy Writers, my pitches have all gone really well but what's really great is how Joey and his team handle things, making sure it goes smoothly for everyone, checking in with you before the pitch, that sort of thing that tells me not only are they solid professionals but they understand the loopy mind of the writer. Not every pitch will result in a yes, a meeting, or a deal, of course, but the Path is the point here, at least for me. I've learned even the introverted, socially-anxious writer can have a successful pitch. =) Good luck to you!