Introduce Yourself : Author by Anna Aizic

Anna Aizic


Hi and great to meet You all this sunny-finally- Saturday. I enjoy challenges each medium presents; so far managed to experiment with wood, rock, metal ,glass, 3D printing, virtual reality, and mixing some of them together just for fun. In addition, finding words as new canvas- as result, managed to published a book, trilogy- an historical novel in letter format- and documentary/TV pilot is on the way:-), if I manage to get a dissent one-paragraph summary, or event better, one cool sentence logline for my Trilogy; I must confess, -so far complete flap- perfectionism is one of my sins. Besides all that fun, must have cappa chi and good espresso, after walking my dog; my cat content as she is. Thanks and nice to meet you all. Anna a k a Hanna welcome to read free chapters of my book: twitter: facebook: website:

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi Anna Hanna, Welcome to the site. :) What sort of TV pilot are you working on now? Just asking, because I saw it in your bio, but no mention of it... :) Art of Living Gallery looks good too.

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