Introduce Yourself : A passion for writing and people by Michael Smorenburg-Author

Michael Smorenburg-Author

A passion for writing and people

Morning on a magnificent spring day from the tip of Africa (Camps Bay in Cape Town). Any normal person would be out in the sun and sea, but I'm not normal - that'll come later, heading out on a yacht - first order of business is always to write. I'm very pleased to be among like-minded here - very grateful that this site exists. I'm a marketer by qualification and nature, and a serial entrepreneur. My profile (in case you're interested - and interested in a pic of my home suburb) waffles on, so i wont. My main area of interest for reading and writing is the sciences. It's hard to pick which ones grab me most - cosmology, neurology, anthropology, origins, memetics... our era is so full of breakthroughs, that they all are mouthwatering. I recently (last 6 or so years) became interested in fundamentalist religion's reactions to science; and I'm currently writing in that genre. I've found that the novel format works well as a delivery mechanism. I mention marketing, because I test market everything. My #skaNOVEL got that treatment and has done very nicely; see (War In The Bible Belt); it's ready for a push into the market (movie option just sold - but don't fret, *another novel looms... details in a second). For a quick 1-minute idea of what it's about, here's a clip... I'm no movie maker, so don't laugh: > there are some interviews with me at that channel. *My next project, LifeGames, is a novel I wrote in '95 that I never attempted to take to market - it was too esoteric for my liking, and I was smart enough to realize I didn't have the writing nailed down. Time has passed and my understanding of neurology has allowed me to adapt the story sufficiently to make the esoteric palatable with an interesting plot twist. The book should be ready for a first test market in about a month. If you got this far - thank you, I am grateful and pleased to meet you.

Shawn Speake

Good teaser, but the shots are all over the place. This viewer needs more specificity/coherence.:) Focus the viewer's attention on the specific people, things, and events you are writing about... Hope this helps!

Michael Smorenburg-Author

Hello Shawn... I'm not movie maker (can you tell!)... I actually just 'doodled' with some video and people liked it so I put it up. It just gives a very obscure taste of the elements in the story

Debbie Croysdale

Hi this is a new twist to the concept of religion meets science. Maybe the "shots being all over the place" is apt in this particular case, as it gives a distinct feel, ......Everything in the world as we know it .......Is going to pot......Before our very eyes. ( Just a thought) , though I agree with Shawn the camera work isn't perfect, I also think the mayhem point and shoot adds to the foreshadowed catastrophe.

Shawn Speake

That's what's up, Michael! I was only trying to help. Thanks for being so cool!

Michael Smorenburg-Author

Not at all Shawn - all critique... is very helpful and so much appreciated.

Michael Smorenburg-Author

Hello Debbie - It is rather an interesting method of delivery (if I say so myself)... what it does is provide a stage for real conflict, not just of facts and opinions, but the cultures these ideas create too. It is most valid for our epoch as there is a marked generational difference here in opinion and a huge backlash from tradition to keep itself valid.

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