Introduce Yourself : Hello Stage32 by Erin Leigh Oliver

Erin Leigh Oliver

Hello Stage32

I am a happy to be below the line kinda person who tore three ligaments in my knee in January while in film school so I have been recovering since then and hopefully will be at 100% when I leave for Film School in Vancouver. I have been a photographer for 20 years and I enjoy the grind and the friends that I have met while being a PA, Locations Assistant and APOC. I'm not a screenwriter unfortunately but I hope to make new friends. Right now I have my website and that keeps me busy.

Mathieu Karsenti

Hullo and welcome Erin! :)

Brad Rushing

Check out for filmmaker groups in Vancouver. There are several here in Los Angeles. Great way to make connections in a new town and at the start of your career.

Erin Leigh Oliver

Thanks! I will definitely do that once I get there. I am still in New Mexico until August recovering from major reconstructive knee surgery. I really appreciate it! Thanks!

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