Introduce Yourself : Saludos desde colombia by Arturo Ortegón

Arturo Ortegón

Saludos desde colombia

Hello everybody, my name is Arturo Ortegon, I'm Colombian filmmaker currently working on a second feature-length movie and two new short films. I just wanted to let friends know that my directorial debut, APATIA, una pelicula de carretera, will be playing next saturday in Montpellier, France, in case you are in the area and into latino cinema Many thanks to Stage 32 for letting artist and filmmakers get in touch directly. Cheers. Here's a pic from the set of TRUE LOVE (Ninjitsu No Koi). I'm the one that's not the ninja.

Gyvon Jante

bienvendos y excelente! que te sigues con los sueños!

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