Introduce Yourself : Ohio Cinematographer by Randy Pugh

Randy Pugh

Ohio Cinematographer

Hi, all! I am a cinematographer living in mid-Ohio working on faith-based films. I started out in super 8 back in the 70's and now own a Blackmagic rig. I would love to team up with some writers and others in the film industry.

Geoffrey Hugh Harford

is that the 4k...lucky guy if u own magic had a firmware update so u can reformat the SSD to exfat so u can edit on a PC and I've been filming on a rental using adobe cc and color grading with red gaint color suite 11 and I shot on super 8 back in the 70's too

Randy Pugh

Hi Geoffrey. No, it's the 2.5k camera. I use Final Cut Pro X on a Mac Pro. It's all fun stuff, tho.

Geoffrey Hugh Harford

should always be fun

Dorothy A. Atabong

Good stuff, Randy

Randy Pugh

Thanks, Dorothy.

Max Kaplan

Cool! Nice to meet you Randy! I'm from Dayton! I was hired originally as writer on a faith-film, but the project fell through. Maybe a collaboration is in store for us in the future!

Rubén Soler Ferrer

Hi Randy! A spanish filmmaker new in the area! I want to meet professionals from the US!

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