Introduce Yourself : Film/Theater writing in New York by Michael Swiskay

Film/Theater writing in New York

Hi all. The powerful draw of film/theater removed me for the world of Hedge Funds. The ability to pursue acting on my terms with a flexible 'real-job' working engagement developed into a London relocation, world travel/debauched lifestyle, a near death experience and extended jousting with the forces of ignorance and greed. No longer an actor, the journey referenced above powers my writing for theater and film.

Randall P. Dark

Sounds like a script for a movie

Kent 'Swampy' Glade

I agree Randall!

Michael Swiskay

I processed the experience into a theater piece which won a 1 act play festival

Randall P. Dark

Very cool. My degree was in theater and would write direct and produce it for many years. I then got in to HDTV very early. I now work on Transmedia projects. Less risk and more revenue streams.

Michael Swiskay

I have toyed with the idea of adapting the play into film.

Randall P. Dark

Tale of Sasquatch was a play first. Then a screenplay. Now an App. I vote adapt it.

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