Hi, I'm Vikas Jain. I'm an ordinary person who is willing to prove his writing skills in front of world. Graduated from Amity University in Journalism and Mass Communication and worked for various contact centers. But later I join to family business. To keep myself near to my passion and dream writing, actively worked for local blogs and websites as a freelancer content writer. Worked for Star Films & Tv Production on various Short Films and TV Advertisements. Today, I'm reaching out to the world in order to help fund my first publication of my work, book, MAN (Male Abused by Nation). What's MAN About? It’s about you, me, your dad, your brother, your grandparents, it’s about your husband, it’s about your boyfriend, and it’s about the all male human being in this world. The title "MAN" himself speaks what it is about. This is a story of every male human being around the world from the day he born, throughout his journey of life, till to the death. It is about his life, challenges, happiness, sacrifice and pain. Story of “MAN “covered a story of MAN’s around the nation. This story tells the problem which Man is facing in today’s era. This is a story how innocent male child born in our society, how society treats him when he is a child and then as long he grew up how the behavior and atmosphere of society starts changing. This topic itself clears the condition of MAN which he need to face and how he sacrifice in this society to sustain a good living, what type of issue he faces in his life and how he overcome or fail to lead a good life, this is all about the MAN…. I am a Politician, I am Actor, I am Businessman, I am Student, and I am a Driver………….. Yes I am a MAN….. But I am not a RAPIST…… I am just a common man; this story is about all those MAN around the nation and world, who works hard to earn money and name and to live in this society where every finger is getting counted equally. In today’s era our system is getting changed into women’s era, all the new rules and acts which have been introduced our keeping women’s safe, that’s really good, but what about MAN’s , we cannot be get forgotten. This story will present you the trouble which all MAN’s are facing today. If 60% of Men are not good that doesn’t mean rest 40% are also same….. If some mentally ill people are doing such horrible crimes like rape. That doesn’t means every MAN is rapist…..Then why such kind of rules and laws and comments to MAN which are making them away from Society……… Today we shamed to say but people of nation have made new full form of MAN……….. I.e. Male Abused By Nation…… Would be pleased and glad if you share this campaign to other people and contribute a little which will make it bigger .. log on to ketto.org/manabook