Hey everyone! I've been using Autodesk Maya for about 3 1/2 years now, and I've been thinking about learning to use Mudbox. I'm currently a member of Lynda.com, so I've been thinking about starting by watching some intro courses there. I'm also wondering, would it be worth purchasing an entry-level Wacom tablet? I'd love to hear advice from current Mudbox users! Thanks!
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Can anyone in my network help Matt?
Sure can Julie! Yes to Wacom tablets. But you will have a period of a few months of adjustment. I don't do mudbox personally (Zbrush here!) but all in all, tablets are a must. Using a mouse is like painting with a boxing glove. Lynda and Digital Tutors are both great places to learn from!
Thanks David! I'll be sure to set some money aside for a Wacom tablet, as it definitely sounds like it'll be a worthy investment! I've started a course on Lynda and it's excellent! I'll take a look at Digital Tutors as well. Thanks! Matt
No problem Matt :)
Thanks Ellis! I've been using Blender for a while now, and it's still my go-to! I am looking to learn some new skills though, that could hopefully open up some additional opportunities.
I agree, Blender is an amazing tool and it definitely deserves more attention then it gets! Best of luck with your company! It sounds like an excellent vision, and I'd love to help any way I can, if you're ever in need of another creative! : )