TIS THE SEASON!! My big news, my brand new, partially Kickstarter funded, short holiday film, CHRISTMAS VISITATIONS is out and is being positively received!! I'm so proud of it and would LOVE for you to check it out here: https://youtu.be/k039Kv4cBgg?list=PLby7-6cjDqdn1aVLEBjj8T4SuZrh6RGG7 If you enjoy the film, please feel free to like, comment, and of course share it!! Something that people sometimes forget (but that we artists do not) is that the main reason we create art (in my case films, Holiday and otherwise), is to have others ENJOY them! That’s it! That’s the point! TO ENTERTAIN! Thanks in advance for helping me do that!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Paul
1 person likes this
Paul, very well done! Very entertaining! Love the cinematography, casting, performances, and score. Erik Schroder did a wonderful job on the score. Overall wonderful. How are you marketing/distributing this? Great Job!
Thank you so much John! I really appreciate you taking the time to check out the film and then message me your thoughts!! I'm quite proud of the entire team!! We're just marketing it online, and with amazing people like you!! Hoping that others will be inspired to comment on it, like it, and of course, SHARE it! Happy Holidays!! Thanks again!