Hey All, I'm in pre-production on a short film project. I have a fight scene where I'm trying to get my stunt performers insured in case of any injury. Does anyone know how to go about getting stunts covered in California?
Hi Sarah! Workers comp is administered differently by each state, if I remember correctly, so you might start by Googling general workers comp in your state, see what comes up, and start making phone calls from there. Good luck! =)
Hi Sarah, you can obtain workers comp, including fight scenes that are choreographed, structured, and sequenced. These scenes may involve physical contact between actors and the use of weapons. But this needs to be part of the complete insurance package for your film and may not be purchased separately. Let me know if you need a quote. Cheers
Hi Sarah! Workers comp is administered differently by each state, if I remember correctly, so you might start by Googling general workers comp in your state, see what comes up, and start making phone calls from there. Good luck! =)
Hi Sarah, you can obtain workers comp, including fight scenes that are choreographed, structured, and sequenced. These scenes may involve physical contact between actors and the use of weapons. But this needs to be part of the complete insurance package for your film and may not be purchased separately. Let me know if you need a quote. Cheers
Your production insurance agent will have this. You need prod insurance before you can get stunt insurance.
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