Introduce Yourself : New to 32 by Austin Nordell

New to 32

Looking to meet some creative and professional people here! If you are a crew member, DP, Director, Editor, etc, please hit me up! I'd love to know more about you!

Tony Fisher

Hello Austin, pleasure to meet you. Good to have you here on Stage32.

Morgan Kidwell

hello sir, my name is Morgan kidwell, I am looking to get onto the set of movies or plays as I'm writing this to you. I'm in college right now for tech, I have sound, lighting, building experience. I may be young I know, and still have much to learn, but what is life without jumping head first into to something right?

JD Hartman

Unprofessional to hijack the introduction thread of someone else. Start your own. I've added you name to my Blacklist.

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