Success Stories: DEC'16 REQUESTED by Five All in the Fifth Entertainment

Barbara Albers Jackson

REQUESTED by Five All in the Fifth Entertainment

Tiffany Fielder requested my comedy script, Bird Brain. You all know what I'm now asking Santa for Christmas.

Jorge J Prieto

Make us ALL proud, Barbara.

Barbara Albers Jackson

Thanks Guys. We are all in the same boat, trying to land on shore. Our mutual support gives us the will and strength to keep on rowing.

Jorge J Prieto

Amen to that, Barbara.

J Medina

go, Barb! Prayers being sent your way!!

Barbara Albers Jackson

I still haven't heard back. I'm hanging on that it still has a chance.

Jorge J Prieto

What ever the outcome, you know you got something there. Just hope that that you get a why not???

Barbara Albers Jackson

I really appreciate the encouragement from you guys. "if one never gives up, he never has a failure - just many works in progress."

Jorge J Prieto

Hope never quits.

Jorge J Prieto

Yes, Victor, that is norm or you get the same old: Not exactly what we are looking for. This is after they read your material. I forget about and move on to my next story. Life goes on and this, like acting (rejection ) is the nature of the beast. Better luck next time or next, next.

Dara Taylor

Congratulations, Barbara!

Barbara Albers Jackson

Victor, I have had responses with reasons for a pass. I evaluate the comments objectively. These are the people who get movies made and have ideas on what would have commercial appeal. We're talking millions of dollars here. If I were putting millions of dollars into a project I 'd sure as hell want it on my frequency. I've been writing for over 20 years. I love creating worlds and appreciate other people's ideas about my scripts. I recently retired from my day job of a chemistry professor. That was an enjoyable and satisfying career. Now I will write and rewrite because I can. If none of my feature scripts get made, that's fine. I enjoyed the process. I have a destination, which I may or may not get to, but I'm loving the trip. You can view the shorts I made at

Jorge J Prieto

I'm with you 100% on what you just said, Barbara. I'll stop when I'm dead or crippled, God forbid.

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