Introduce Yourself : Filmmaker from Toronto, Justin Harding by Justin Harding

Justin Harding

Filmmaker from Toronto, Justin Harding

Hi ALL, my name is Justin Harding. I am a filmmaker living in Toronto Canada. I am currently employed as a TV director and Producer in the "factual" realm (Amazing Race, MasterChef etc) but I have always been much more interested in filmmaking, specifically horror and fantasy filmmaking. I also work as a professional editor and VFX designer. My short horror film "Point of View" did very well in festivals this year and will be released as part of an anthology feature out of Australia in 2016 called "A Night of Horror Volume 1". I am am gearing up for two more short film projects - a horror short for the 2016 festival circuit and a "Kung Fury" style fantasy adventure proof-of-concept for a kickstarter campaign (need a bit of $$ for this one). I'm interested in connecting with potential collaborators, specifically writers, producers, cinematographers, VFX artists, SPX makeup artists and audio designers/composers. I am shooting my next short horror film "Kookie" January 2nd and looking for some talented and inspired collaborators in the Toronto area who may want to help out. I am starting the other proof-of-concept fantasy project Feb 6th. Feel free to reach out to me. Here are some links: A website for my 2015 short Film "Point of View" A Night of Horror: Volume 1 My IMDB:

Mathieu Karsenti

Hi Justin, welcome to Stage32. Just sent you an intro email :)

Bruce L. Stanton

Hello Mr. Harding, Nice to meet you.

Greg McDonald

Best on all your projects.

Bryan Atkinson

Hi Justin, impressive work! I just sent you a network request. I am a film composer for film and media and would love to connect with you. You can visit my website at:

Kristina Garant

Hello fellow Ontarian! Congrats on your success and may it continue in the new year! Happy Holidays!

Richard "RB" Botto

This is a great Introduce Yourself post, Justin. Love the content as well.

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