Introduce Yourself : From Spain with love! by Benjamin Lorenzo Sanchez

Benjamin Lorenzo Sanchez

From Spain with love!

Hello friends, My name is Benjamin Lorenzo and I am director, screenwriter and playwright. I'm from Madrid (Spain), but don0t worry because I love to travel, so if you need me I’ll be there. As screenwriter I have several finished feature films: an animation, a rom com and mockumentary. I have also written and directed several short films, with international awards. The award has made me more illusion was one that wins in Manhattan and that projected in the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York City!! Very proud of it. I come from a huge and very family and theater has always been present in our home. I have written several plays, and I'm currently finishing writing one, similar of “The Dinner Game”. Also I wrote with my brother a comedy that we showed the last year, a play about Santa Claus, a hilarious comedy, which we transform in a screenplay that we are trying to produce. It’s a Christmas comedy low budget... but we need a boost to this project. I work in film, theater and commercials. I have written the script for several videos, one of which get over one million of visits in one month on Internet, I am also very proud. The life of the audiovisual in Spain is not easy and there is not much movement, but I have optioned a feature film script in Spain. Yes, you guessed it: I'm also very proud of this. I always love USA, and all its possibilities, you know: the American dream. And so I would love to do projects there. I tell you a couple of dreams, one is quite affordable and the other is crazy, and being honest, almost impossible. The first is a short film I wrote and I'd love to shoot with Josh Radnor (you know How I Met Your Mother, Liberal Arts…) a kind of comedy for Josh Radnor. About second dream… I am a big fan of Woody Allen and I have written a script for him, a Woody Allen style and I love that he was the main character. I know it's crazy but it's so cool that I still have the illusion. And what about the story of Woody Allen film? Well, that take me to the next point: I am an expert in to have great and crazy ideas, my loglines are ideas with great hook (I’m also proud of it ;-) ) okay, maybe I am influence of my family and their crazy ideas… (and of course I'm so proud of them) And I am good directing actors, I think is about my long experience in theater. I worked a little on everything: directing, writing, producing, editing videos or being a technical director of musicals, including production of flash mobs... And if something I've learned is that making a project succeed is not about money but the company. The company of people excited about the same project. That illusion moves the world. So I write here because this community is this kind of company that makes the project progresses. It is a pleasure to be part of Stage32 Community and I hope that, little by little, we meet each other more and better. For whatever you need you’ve got in me a director and screenwriter, a friend. The best and may the force be with you. ;-) Benjamin.

Federico Ferrandina

Hola Benjamin! que placer conocerte! I'm curious about your experiences directing musicals, that's nice because here on Stage32 I meet awriter who asked me to write a musical which this year has been finalist at the Chicago Musical Theater Festival

Benjamin Lorenzo Sanchez

Tanti auguri Federico per il musicale! E' un piacere parlare con te. E vedo che stai in Roma... Bellisisma cità. Could I see something of this musical? (Posso vedere qualcosa del musicale?)

Federico Ferrandina

Grazie! We have something on this facebook page where you can grab some informations, but we still didn't reveal much because we still want to keep the rest of the materials private until we have some good news to share...

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