Success Stories: DEC'19 The Deep End - Filming in 2016

Michael Hultquist

The Deep End - Filming in 2016

I'm happy to report I've sold another script and it will be going into production in January 2016. Good luck to all on the project! I'm really looking forward to seeing how the story comes to life. Here is the link:

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Congrats Michael!

Michael Hultquist

Thanks. Excited to get more work out there!

Dominic Darkness

Serious congrats on your effort. Hard work pays off. I to am doing a thriller short next month, very hi-concept. Good luck to you. I am s Dp, so keep me in mind......

Jason Amling

Congratulations, Michael!

Michael Hultquist

That's great, Dominic. Good luck! Be sure to share the info on the thriller. I would love to hear.

Debbie Elicksen

Awesome-sauce, Michael!

Mimi Chen

wow! congrats!

Eric Schneider

Congratulations, Michael. I'm happy for you. I request your subjective advice, as a selling screenwriter, on this: I've written two feature-length scripts that placed first or second in regional competitions, in 2007 and 2011. I've revised them since. One's a period action drama, and one's an American-female-lead drama in Afghanistan. Do you suggest I enter competitions, seek and agent/manager, submit (loglines, synopses or scripts) to group bulletin board leads, or simply submit to individual production companies? Thanks for your time in reading and replying, Michael.

Michael Hultquist

Eric, it's a hard question to answer since there are so many avenues to breaking in somewhere. I suggest continuing to send the material to as many places as possible, and continue to produce new material all the time. You never know what is going to land. Certainly push for management and direct to production companies, but very importantly, keep writing and working on new scripts, and repeat the process.

Eric Schneider

Thanks, Michael.

Dionne Lister

That's awesome. Congrats!

Eric Schneider

Michael - would you be willing to share the script with us, please , in the form it was bought? And the Logline?

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