Introduce Yourself : Director/Screenwriter/producer by Kevin Leon Martin Jr

Kevin Leon Martin Jr


Hey everyone, My name is Kevin Martin or KL. Director/ screenwriter/ producer and trained gaffer.Currently brad the end of post production of my short "The Hit". Sold my first script at 19 , directed music videos and ghost wrote for many screenwriters and playwrights while playing professional basketball. Retired and started my own production company called "Kaleidosight Films" . Three webseries and two shorts done included the award winning "The intruder" I love collaboration with other writers. All forms of comedy (especially dark), comic/graphic, sci fi ( low and high budget) and horror. I have my own Comic imprint called "Komix" which launched At the end of the summer and will lead off with the live short "Streetlight" ( Principal photography March 15th-March 20).

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