Introduce Yourself : The Complete Actor by Glenn Ratcliffe

Glenn Ratcliffe

The Complete Actor

Hello my Stage 32 friends my name is Glenn Ratcliffe ;I believe everyone of you are special by your birthright ;and all of your dreams should come true because you are indeed a co creator ; I want to offer my friendship support and love to anyone that needs it be well

Greg McDonald

Hello Glen, nice to meet you here.

Kathleen Stevens

Hello Glen, What a lovely Introduction! Welcome and I wish you a Happy Christmas.

Glenn Ratcliffe

Thx I appreciate and love you all happy holidays

Jeanie Hobgood

Glenn it's a pleasure to find new friends like yourself who know how to be positive and friendly. Look forward to getting to know with the year coming.

Kristin Johnson

I noticed your upcoming projects--quite diversified. Good luck with the Lifetime pilot (I had a TV MOW, "," pitched there, but "they already had something similar in development"). They're great with original scripted drama. Also, you're Jim Jones in a dramatization of Jonestown--I love those dramatizations and historical re-enactments.

Glenn Ratcliffe

Thank you for your kind words and encouragement it's appreciated be well Glenn

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