Well... So do I! If you find someone like that let me know... In the meantime - I am currently an unemployed lover of film who wants to get into the film industry. My partner and I hope to be moving to NOLA (Hollywood South or New Orleans, Louisiana) in a few months. I interned at Happy Accident films, in Dublin for a short time, but had to leave due to extenuating circumstances. I have an MA in Broadcast Journalism, in which as a group of students, we learned how to use cameras, marantz's, Adobe Audition, Adobe Premiere and had to pitch news stories, gather interviews, edit the content and broadcast it all within a day. I also just started writing film reviews on my new blog: www.criticalady.wordpress.com So, if anyone knows of any opportunities in New Orleans popping up for newbies into film like me, please d let me know! Hope to meet other people on here and hope to finally get into the industry that I love!