Your Stage : Need Help with Back and Front Matter for my YA novel coming out in March by Heidi Angell

Heidi Angell

Need Help with Back and Front Matter for my YA novel coming out in March

I am excited to be launching my next book, the first in a YA stalker series, in March and am looking for help with my front and back cover matter. They are so important to catch potential readers, and I always feel like I am too close to the subject matter so it is hard to give just enough to draw people in, without giving too much! Today I posted some options on the back cover blurb. Wednesday I will have cover options. Please hop over to my blog and give me your input!

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey Heidi, this is Beth from the Stage 32 team. I just wanted to let you know I moved your post from Authoring & Playwriting to Your Stage, as it fits much better there. Your Stage is where members solicit feedback on their various projects. Let me know if you have any questions, and all the best to you!

Heidi Angell

Thanks! I thought it was only for promoting finished projects. Appreciate it!

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