Introduce Yourself : Greetings! My name is Guy, and I'm brandy new to STAGE 32! by Guy A Whitlock

Guy A Whitlock

Greetings! My name is Guy, and I'm brandy new to STAGE 32!

I'm an experienced SAG/AFTRA actor, and Voiceover talent. I look forward to seeing what this professional community is all about.

Renee Grayson

Welcome to the party, Guy!!!

Guy A Whitlock

Thanks, Renee!

J Medina

Welcome, good sir! Pleased to meet you!

Jesus Santillañ

Hi there Guy mucho gusto, sir

Guy A Whitlock

Thank you. Glad to be aboard.


Welcome to Stage 32, Guy!

Guy A Whitlock


Jordane Christie

You and me both, Guy. I'll let you know if I find anything sketchy.. Ha, no, Enjoy!!

Jordane Christie

You and me both, Guy. I'll let you know if I find anything sketchy... Ha! No. Enjoy!!

Guy A Whitlock

Sounds like a plan! Ha! You enjoy as well!


You're welcome, Guy.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Guy - welcome to the community! I know you're an actor and VO, so I sure hope that you didn't do VO for the kids screaming on the LOUIE episode you were on ;) only kidding. You've got great screen presence and your VO reel is really good - great pitch and range. Glad you're here in the community :)

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome, Guy! Terrific to have you here, my friend. It's been a remarkable 4+ year journey around these parts. So glad you found us and I look forward to your contributions.

Guy A Whitlock

Thanks for the kind words, Julie. Glad to be aboard. Trying to figure out how to utilize this resource.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

A great place to start is the "top 10 things to do when you join Stage 32" in our HELP section: (it's in the top right corner and looks like a circle). Another great place to go is under EDUCATION (top menu bar) > ON STAGE WITH RB (sub menu bar) - there are hundreds of hours of videos to watch with advice :)

Guy A Whitlock

Thanks, Julie. I'll check it out.

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