Introduce Yourself : Hey Hey!! by Angela Landis

Angela Landis

Hey Hey!!

Hello Stage 32! I just discovered this site while binge-listening to podcasts from Indie Film Hustle while stuck at the airport this Holiday Season. It was a lose-win! I'm an actress-producer-director-writer-etc. To sum up the last 15 years in LA: I book a high-profile job and turn that success around into a self production. I've written & produced several stage projects, numerous shorts, several web series and just sold my first feature! I also work in Reality TV as my 'day job.' Next up for me is a web sketch this month, creating a DIY filmmaker handbook, teaching a few classes, writing and producing/starring in another film. This site appealed to me, because it seemed like I might find some like minded individuals here. There are no shortages of networking opportunities in LA, but most of them seemed geared towards actors, or to higher end executives...not that either are aren't of interest, but I am hoping to find more people like me-- hustlers, who aren't afraid to do the work themselves! The reason I liked the podcast so much, was that I learn a lot from hearing about other filmmakers' successes and failures, especially in the indie world. And that is why I am here. I'm hoping to soak up knowledge from all the posts and blogs and interactions. So, if anyone wants to point me in the direction of any tidbits they especially liked..... I'm all ears-- or eyes :) Cheers to a Great New Year for us all!! Angela

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