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pare tutti giorni dalle 7.00 alle1 2.00 dalle15.30 fino alle21.30 sbato 9 gennaio edomenica 1o gennaio orsmarsch dallle 15 alle 17.00 lostesso per domenica dalle15.00 alle17.00
Harvest Moon Motion Pictures & Television series "Tales of Horror" Episode 6 airs tomorrow!! Join them as they dive deep inside 2 new tales entitled "A SHADOW FELL" by Neil King and "ON EDGE" by Frazer Lee. Make this episodic horror series a part of your Saturday night "MUST SEE" show tomorrow at 8 PM on our channel .... Hey Guys Check out the New Episode of Tales of Horror x...and catch up with all of the others if you ...Dare! <3
Harvest Moon Motion Pictures & Television series "Tales of Horror" Episode 6 airs tomorrow!! Join them as they dive deep inside 2 new tales entitled "A SHADOW FELL" by Neil King and "ON EDGE" by Frazer Lee. Make this episodic horror series a part of your Saturday night "MUST SEE" show tomorrow at 8 PM on our channel .... Hey Guys Check out the New Episode of Tales of Horror x...and catch up with all of the others if you ...Dare! <3