Hello I am working on a radioplay and I have just completed the first draft. I would really like to do a script swap with anyone interested. You review mine, and I'll give you my feedback on yours. Here is some info on my script: Log line ‘Have you ever wondered what you will be like when you are older? Well two friends are about to find out when their future selves come back to kick their arses’ Synopsis The Time Diary is a cautionary, ‘Be careful for what you wish for’ sci-fi black comedy. Two young men discover that when you invent time travel, there is a lot more to it than merely peeking at all the cool gadgets in the future. Alternate time lines, murderous time travellers and the end of the world are just some of the problems David and Hank have to deal with, all from the comfort of their living room. If anyone is interested, please do drop me a message :) Scott
Hey Scott -- cool "Looper" kind of idea you have going on there :) re: the logline, a few things to consider: 1. "Why?" Why do their future selves come back to kick their asses? What have they done wrong in the present? 2. What does "kick their asses" mean? There's not as much at stake here as there could be if they're just getting beaten up. 3. What are they forced to do as a result of this? i.e. what's their goal established at the end of Act 1? Hope this helps.
Hello Alex Thanks for the feedback, I'm currently on the first draft of everything (script, logline, summary), so I really appreciate the notes :) I imagine I will get through several drafts at least, and I am about to embark on my second. Already I have considerable changes to make, due to how my idea for the story changed along the way. I've got a deadline because this is for a pod-cast show, however, once completed I do plan on producing a screenplay version. For audio alone I've had to create specific dialogue to lead the listeners, because they can't see what is going on. Hopefully I haven't done that in a ham fisted way. In the screenplay I can do things with more nuance due to subtlety of action. 1/2. The Time Diary does involve the key characters being in conflict with alternate versions of their future selves. The future changes depending which character takes credit for the invention of time travel. Of the two, who ever gets the credit, becomes all powerful and that greatly affects how the future turns out. Ultimately the two 'friends' are soon at war with who gets the credit/control and their future selves comes back to help. 3. At the end of Act 1, it is all about who claims credit, however by the end of Act two they soon realise both of them have screwed up and they could both end up dead if they don't escape their future selves. Act 3, the final act, is about how they can undiscover time travel without wiping out mankind. Looper btw is a great movie, though my story is considerably different in both tone and narrative.
Scott - I'd love to do a script swap with you. I, also, have a sci-fi comedy that I'm trying to draw interest in. Just send me a PM with email address.
Thanks Nancy. I'm working on a 2nd draft right now, so I should have it ready by next week :) I'll drop you a PM when ready. I love sci fi comedies, but you don't see too many of them, so I will be more than happy to read yours.
I look forward to reading it. And you're right, you don't see too many sci-fi comedies. About time that changes! :)