Introduce Yourself : Pants! by Nelson Clark

Nelson Clark


Hi everyone! I’m Nelson Clark and I am NOT just another pretty face (eyes up here please, thank you)! Though I’ve been a member for over a year I didn’t give a crap about Stage 32 until I recently found Joey Tuccio and his Merry Band of Happy Writers. Now I do give a crap and I am excited about the two pitch sessions I’ve signed up for, but that’s not why I’m here. Yes, I write novels, plays and screenplays and you can see a couple of loglines on my profile. Yes, I made a fun (okay, bizarre) video you can see there as well. And, yes, I have a fun travel blog where if you want a little break all your relentless networking, you’ll find I sometimes post interesting places I’ve been lucky enough to visit: . But that’s not why I’m here! Seems I’ve lost my pants somewhere in the Stage 32 Lounge. Anybody seen them? Not those sparkly ones; I tried them on, they don’t fit. Thanks for looking! Nelson

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Joey is amazing! And... here, I found these:

Nelson Clark

Thanks, Tomasz! (In the voice of Mr. Burns:) Excellent.

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