Introduce Yourself : Producer, filmmaker , screenwriter by Barbie Elias DeSantis

Barbie Elias DeSantis

Producer, filmmaker , screenwriter

Hello everyone, I live in Baltimore and I create comedy film and television shows. My first was "Hotflash" a full feature comedy film. We filmed a trailer on it and won several international film festivals on it. Then I created a half hour television sitcom called "Hotflash And Company" a very funny, unique show. We filmed a pilot that also won many film festivals. Then I created a tv reality show called "Drunk Hunters" where we go into bars, nightclubs, and crash house parties looking for people who want to win prizes by playing various games, answer trivia, sing a song, do a dance, etc. and of course they are drinking. Lol So now I'm looking on getting a network to pick up on my work. Might need an agent?? I'm working on another comedy film right now.

Dara Taylor

I will tell you this, I would watch EVERY episode of "Drunk Hunters"! It's an ingenious idea and sounds HILARIOUS! I really enjoyed the "Hot Flash Movie" trailer as well. Glad to have you on the site and best of luck!

Barbie Elias DeSantis

Thank you so much

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